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Refraction testing is the procedure to check the accuracy of your vision. A refraction test is usually given as part of a routine eye examination. It may also be called a vision test. This test tells your eye doctor exactly what prescription you need in your glasses or contact lenses.

Who needs this test?

If you feel that your vision is not clear as it was before means you cannot see the things either distant things or near things clearly that there are chances that your have some kind of refractory error. To confirm this visit your near eye specialist who will do a refraction examination of your eyes and check if you need any types of glasses (spectacles).

What are the types of Refractory Errors?

In general terms there are following types of refractory errors.

  1. Myopia (nearsightedness): In this the objects which are far from your eyes appear blur. You may feel blurring while driving or looking at black board)
  2. Hypermetropia (farsightedness) : In this the objects or things near your eyes appear blur or you may feel difficulty in reading books and newspaper.
  3. Presbiopia : This condition mainly affects older people. Where the eyes can no longer focus on objects properly.
  4. Astigmatism : In this condition the cornea of your eyes may curve in a specific angle which causes blurring of vision.

Is refractory errors treatable?

Yes, most refractory errors can be corrected with the help of spectacles or eye lenses. Visit your ophthalmologist to discuss different correction options available for you.

Is it important to get refractory errors corrected early?

Yes, it is always advisable to get the refractory errors corrected as soon as you start having problems in viewing things. If the condition is ignored or correction is delayed, the error can increase in severity and may also cause many side effects like head aches, decreased performance while driving or in studies. It is always advisable to consult your eye specialist as soon as possible.